Our students had the homor of attending a concert on Tuesday, Oct. 4 by the Okaidja Afroso Ensemble. The group is originally from Ghana, and they perform music in their native language on traditional instruments. Students from the Chisholm Elementary and the Chisholm High School attended. The concert was arranged in conjunction with Lindsey Bergan from the Lyric Center in Virginia. A special thanks to Carol Wald, our auditorium manager, for help with the set up.
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Concert 10/4
Concert 10/4
Concert 10/4
Concert 10/4
More Photos from Homecoming at the V-S and CE.
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
HC Fall Dress Up Days 22
HC Fall Dress Up Days 22
HC Fall Dress Up Days 22
Thank you Officers Rock and Hanson from the Chisholm Police Department for coming in to talk to our first graders as part of our unit on neighborhood and community helpers. Officer Rock read a story about being a Police Officer, and the officers answered questions from the students. Many students put their hands up when they were asked, “Who would like to be a police officer when you’re older?” 👮 👮‍♂️
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Don't Forget to Sign Up for the Empty Bowl Event. Sign-up by calling the Community Education Office. Check out the Video and Information below: https://youtu.be/hHYORi-Mo6A
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Swimmers had fun at the Taconite Invite today. Tresa took 2nd in the 50 Free and the 100 Free and the team took 6th overall. Way to Go Bluestreak Lady Swimmers.
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Taconite Invite 22
Taconite Invite 22
Taconite Invite 22
Taconite Invite 22
Congratulations to the Chisholm Elementary Bluestreak Pride Winners and Teacher for the "Golden" Weekly Winners
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Student/Staff of the Week CE 9/30
Student/Staff of the Week CE 9/30
Mr. Stish – Nominated by Deslyn Lee Mr. Stish is an awesome and encouraging teacher. He keeps his class fun and entertaining while still teaching everyone important life lessons. Olivia Pascuzzi – Nominated by Mrs. Yuretich Olivia works hard in both Study Skills and Pre-Algebra to make sure she does her very best. Her work is neat and organized, and she asks questions when needed, to make sure she is understanding everything correctly. She contributes well to class discussions and helps her peers whenever she can. Alex Perez – Nominated by Mr. Cerar Alex came into this year unsure of his skills in History, but so far he has excelled greatly in class. He should be proud of his effort in class. I love his willingness to take a chance answering questions in our discussions, even when he may not be sure if he's right. Keep rolling, Alex.
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Student/Staff of the Week 9/30
Student/Staff of the Week 9/30
PreK-4 Fall Color Walk
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
PreK4 Color Walk
The 2nd Bluestreak Store is NOW OPEN and includes so new designs on gear. Come and check it out. Store Link: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/MSGKecMP8x
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
BSN Store 1
BSN Store 2
BSN Store 3
Ms. Rice's students had fun participating in the dress up days last week. Bluestreak Pride Day, Pink Day, and Favorite character day.
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
JR 1
JR 2
JR 3
Shout out to our amazing lunch ladies at the Vaughan. VS BlueStreak Pride winners 9/30/22 BlueStreak Classroom Winners Mrs. Schmitz Mrs. Copp Ms. Rice
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
VS BP 9-30
VS BP 9-30
VS BP 9-30
Quite the characters were found roaming around in Mrs Jensen’s room for Homecoming! Even triplets passed through! Wait! Where’s Waldo???
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
SJ 1
SJ 2
The only thing better than hat day is playing with PlayDoh! We use our fine motor muscles and our imagination to make cool creations!
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
CS 9
CS 10
CS 11
CS 12
The only thing better than hat day is playing with PlayDoh! We use our fine motor muscles and our imagination to make cool creations!
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
CS 5
CS 6
CS 7
CS 8
Chisholm Schools NEW After School Engagement Pics! Just a small sample of the fun and engagement we are having so far this year.
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Dear Parents and Families: Our Bluestreak Pride Referendum is on the general election ballot this fall. Our operating levy expires soon and, as you know, our building issues are desperate. Please seek out information and vote early or on Nov. 8. We have placed a large amount of information on a special referendum website at https://www.bluestreakpride.org/. Please download the fact sheet and read through the information. If you have any questions, please contact me at anorman@chisholm.k12.mn.us or call 218-421-4322. Thank you! Adrian Norman, Superintendent
over 2 years ago, Chisholm Schools
Don't forget to order your Yearbook. The price is at the lowest it will be currently, starting at $65.00 right now and will be increasing as the school year rolls on. Yearbooks can be ordered by bringing a check to Mr. Vake for $65.00 made out to Ranger Club or you can go online to jostens.com and order your Yearbook then.
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Drivers Training will be offered via Zoom this Fall. 5:00-8:00 pm Monday - Friday, Oct 31st through Nov. 11th. All classes must be attended to complete the course. Cost is $100.00 which covers classroom instruction only. Students must be at least 15 years old by April 30th 2023. Register online or stop by the Community Ed office to pick up a registration form. https://www.paychisholmschools.org/Community-Education-C316.aspx Registration deadline Oct. 24th, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Pam Pioske
Drivers Training
Mr. Kne's Class enjoying the first day of Fall Homecoming 2022
over 2 years ago, Travis Vake
Mr. Kne HC 9/27