Drivers Training will be offered
via Zoom this Fall.
5:00-8:00 pm
Monday - Friday, Oct 31st through Nov. 11th.
All classes must be attended to complete the course.
Cost is $100.00 which covers classroom instruction only.
Students must be at least 15 years old by April 30th 2023.
Register online or stop by the Community Ed office to pick up a registration form.
Registration deadline Oct. 24th, 2022.
Mr. Kne's Class enjoying the first day of Fall Homecoming 2022
The Chisholm Elementary celebrated their BlueStreak pride winners at their Friday assembly. The whole school earned 198 BlueStreak pride tickets in the last two weeks. Names were drawn from each classroom bucket: 2 fourth grade students, 2 fifth grade students and 2/6 grade students. The Golden Spoon award was won by Mr. Kne‘s class for being the neatest and quietest group of students in the cafeteria. Mrs. Rossini‘s class was awarded the Golden Broom for the cleanest classroom all week. Mr. Kne‘s class also won the Golden Sneaker award for the best listeners on the playground. Go BlueStreaks!!❤️💙❤️💙
Yesterday the Student Council attended the Northeast Division meeting at MIB for a day of student networking and leadership activities.
Homecoming Dress-Up Days for the Vaughan and Chisholm Elementary
Homecoming Dress Up Days for High School.
Congratulations to our Blue Streak Pride Winners at Vaughan-Steffensrud Elementary School for the week of September 19th-23rd!
Chisholm Football Quarterback Club Tailgate Fundraiser
Friday, September 9th Beginning at 5:00 PM at Joel Maturi Football Field
$10 Fraboni's hamburger or cheeseburger, chips, pop or water, & sweet. $6.00 Additional Burger, $11.00 with Gatorade. Cash or Check Accepted.
Chisholm's first annual "Empty Bowls Event"
Nov. 3rd, 5:00-7:30 PM
Chisholm Community Members and Chisholm District Staff may purchase their bowl in advance or purchase their bowl at the door. Register with Chisholm Community Education.
In addition, Ms Betsy Carroll will be offering a free bowl making class to community members and school staff.
Contact Community Ed for more information or to sign up. 218-254-1431
More classes offered through Chisholm Community Education for Adults/Teens/and Families
Register online:
Check out what Chisholm Community Education has to offer for students.
Online registration is available:
(Sorry, all fall swimming classes are currently full. Please sign up to be on the waiting list through the link above. Those on the waiting list will be the first to be notified of spring classes.)
The morning after a 44-28 victory, this is what Bluestreak football team does, they keep working!
Community Ed Swimming lessons for Ages 4+ is back. Fall classes start soon.
Classes are limited to 8 students so register today. These classes fill fast! (Online registration only)
Online registration:
Chisholm Community Ed is offering a Student After-school Care Program for grades Pre-k through 6th grade.
Register online today!
Chisholm Boys and Girls Elementary Volleyball for Grades 3-6. Register today!
First practice is Aug. 30th, 3:00-4:30 pm in the Chisholm High School Gym.
We are in search of a dedicated Check & Connect Mentor to provide individualized attendance, academic, and behavior support to a defined caseload of students. The Check & Connect Mentor will review data, create, and implement 1:1 or small group interventions designed to promote academic achievement, increase attendance, reduce inappropriate behaviors, and decrease school suspensions. In addition, Check & Connect Mentors are responsible for frequently collecting, documenting, and analyzing data for their caseload students. More information and a link to apply is available here:
Online application available here: or contact or call 218-929-1625 to get a paper application.
Join us for a concert of musical favorites on July 21 at 7PM, at the Minnesota Discovery Center Amphitheater! The Chisholm Summer Band Concert is sponsored by Chisholm Community Education and Minnesota Discovery Center.
Please join Chisholm Public Schools for a meal and conversation on our plan for a November 8th Operating and Bond Referendum.
We want to hear from you! All community members are invited and encouraged to attend. To ensure there is enough food, please RSVP your attendance to:
Lisa Aldrich
218.254.5726 x2900
Bluestreak Sweet Treats reached their business goal of being able to take a field trip to Glensheen Mansion and go out for a three course meal at a restaurant started by another entrepreneur! A great time was had by all!