Congratulations to the Golden Ticket recipients at the Chisholm Elementary this week: Orin Johnson, Madalyn Rosati, Carmen Ivanca, Maddie Anderson, Jordyn Thomas, and Toby Jordan! They were recognized for modeling Leadership and showing Bluestreak Pride. #BluestreakLeaders

Attention 7-8-9 Grade Students -
Make sure that you register and pay your fee to Mr. Vake before the dance. This is an updated flyer and the Dance is on Friday, March 21st!

The Student Council will be collecting cash donations for the Food Shelf at the Chisholm/Cherry Band Concert. March is matching funds month, so everything we raise will be doubled for the Food Shelf.

Spring Fling Sweetheart Dance Informtion for Grades 7-9. Please see the flyer!

New Cookies for sale beginning tomorrow for the month of March! Check them out!

Anishinaabe club activity tomorrow! Medicine bag making and teachings.

Chisholm hosted the NE Region Student Council Event yesterday with great success. Thanks to everyone who made this a success. A special thank you to Steve "The Safari Dude" Fredlund for speaking to our Student leaders.

Our February COOKING MONTH was making and eating a heart shaped pizza! They are becoming great chefs!👩🍳👨🍳

The March Story/Craft Class for students in K-3 is open for registration! Deadline to register is March 17th at 8am. Space is limited. Register online: https://chisholm.epaytrak.com/K-3-Story-Craft-wKids-Plus-P2320C314.aspx

What an awesome experience for these 8th Grade Students who are pictured with Chisholm Alumni and Gold Medalist John Shuster at the Hibbing Junior Bonspiel.

State Send-off Alert for the Hibbing-Chisholm Boys Hockey Team!
They will make a stop in Chisholm at 8:45am to the gymnasium for a short send-off and then be escorted out of Chisholm through our main street as we usually do as they head back to Hibbing to get ready to head out of town.
8:45am - gymnasium
8::50am- coaches/captains talk
9:00am - Escort out of town back to Hibbing
We encourage all fans to line the main street as they escort out of town and wave and wish them good luck at state.

We’re coming clean – we went underground this past week! Mrs. Winter organized a fun "Underground Spirit Week" just for the staff at the Vaughan Steffensrud and Chisholm Elementary Schools. Everyone embraced the challenge with enthusiasm, dressing up for themed days that kept the students guessing and brought an extra dose of positivity to the building.
Here’s a peek at what we did:
Monday: We came in like Ninjas for Blackout Day.
Tuesday: Impressive fashion style was on full display with Patterns Galore.
Wednesday: Our best Sock & Sandals made an appearance.
Thursday: We celebrated Christmas in February.
Friday: For our daily water intake, we used Anything But a Cup.
What a fun week for our amazing staff and students! (Stay tuned for pictures from the Vaughan!)

🎉 Calling all students and staff at Vaughan-Steffensrud and Chisholm Elementary! 🎉 Join us for Dr. Seuss Week from March 3rd-7th by participating in our themed dress-up days! We can't wait to see all the creative outfits next week! 📚🎩🎉

Introducing the January CE Habit Heroes! These 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students were recognized for demonstrating Leadership and modeling the Habit of the Month. Habit #5 = Listen Before You Talk! They are students who don't blurt out, listen to others without interupting, and try to understand other people's views and feelings even if they are different from their own. Congratulations to Zoey Rasmusson, Phinehas Oksanen, Jayden Mortenson, Avery Patterson, Holly Philbrick, Gage Temple, Mina Brathwaite, Micah Biles, Iyanna Alto, Tyler Nelson, and Jackson Jungwirth! #BluestreakLeaders #HabitHeroes

Congratulations to the Golden Ticket recipients at the Chisholm Elementary this week: Eli Hanegmon, Jace Skaudis, Sophia Daniels, Evan Holappa-Bruzenak, Ivy Palmquist, and Adrianna Jackson! They were recognized for modeling Leadership and showing Bluestreak Pride. #BluestreakLeaders

Students and Staff of the Week at the High School
Mrs. ZM – Nominated by Molly Altman
Mrs. ZM is really nice. I love having her as a teacher and drama director. Mrs. ZM is amazing, she's good at what she does, and I love talking with her. She's a good listener and is just amazing in general and an amazing teacher.
Hannah Aldrich – Nominated by Mrs. Purdy
Hannah has opened up so much this year and always has a smile. She works hard and it is great to end my day every day with a student that tries so hard.
Dominic Pascuzzi – Nominated by Mr. Nelson
I am nominating Dominic because he comes into class each day eager to learn math. He is always involved in class discussions and gets his work done in a very timely manner. Precalculus is a very difficult course and because of Dominic's work ethic his grades in class have been top notch. Keep up the good work, Dominic!

Congratulations to our next Senior Spotlights. Thank you to your commitment to Chisholm and we are so excited to see where life takes you :)

Our February COOKING MONTH was making and eating a heart shaped pizza! They are becoming great chefs!👩🍳👨🍳

Just a reminder to come out and support our GBB Team tonight in their home playoff game vs North Woods. Game starts at 6:00PM. Reminder that Season Passes ARE NOT ALLOWED and the tickets prices are set by the Region and are $10.00 Adults and $5.00 Students

What a FABULOUS day for a movie! Our class saw PADDINGTON Goes to PERU. All the children enjoyed a pop and popcorn!