The CHS Cross Country team is hosting a Don LaLonde Memorial 4k Glow Run/Walk TONIGHT at 7:30 at Kiwanis Park. Come at 7:00 to buy your glow sticks for $1. Registration is not required. Participate at your own risk. Everyone is welcome!
PreK4’s classroom theme is BAKING AND COOKING this year! Our first recipe was making strawberry/banana smoothies!
The aprons were made and donated by Teacher Karen’s sister!
Homework Help for students in grades 4, 5, & 6 will begin next week! Students who will be utilizing this service should sign up in the office. They may choose to attend one or both days each week.
Dear Chisholm Students & Parents,
Now is your chance to order your official letterman's jacket. Fully customize your jacket to highlight all your achievements and activities!
ORDER DEADLINE: Wed, Oct 16 (ordering on or before this date will guarantee your jacket before Christmas).
Here is how you order:
Visit your school’s site at and place your order: CHISHOLM BLUESTREAKS Letter Jacket Link
Fully customize your jacket to highlight your student’s achievements and activities.
Jackets will ship to your home!
Please reach out to our Jostens representative if you have any questions or need help placing your order:
Phone: 218-656-7523
Attention CHS Parents!
Our Kids Plus Reading Pals program began this week. Second grade students got to know their adult reading pal and read them a story. Reading pal students will read over 50 books throughout the school year as well as work on spelling, vocabulary, and building intergenerational relationships.
More Photos from the Logging Expo!
The Industrial Tech. classes from Mr. Johnson's and Mr. Provinzino's classes attended the 7th annual Future Forest Stewards Event at the Itasca County Fairgrounds during the North Star Logging Expo on Friday September 13th.
Fall Homecoming Court 2024
Back L to R: Braden Thronson, Peyton Baden, Sam Zancauske, Dom Pascuzzi, Larry Oberg, Sophomore Prince Cade Schow
Front L to R: Magie Nelson, Bella Flack, Jackie Dahle, Hailey Johnson, Sophomore Princess Destiny Schmitz, Carly Cernota
The Chisholm schools received a very generous donation from the Women of Steel! WOS are nurses and miners across the Iron Range who are members of the United Steelworker unions. They held a school supply charity event which raised $12,000! These funds were used to purchase items for ten local school districts. Our district received a large variety of school supplies, hygiene products, and snacks. A huge thank you to the donors, and to the Women of Steel for organizing and hosting the event, as well as shopping for and delivering the supplies. We are grateful for your generosity!
Mrs.Stish's Kindergarten class did an awesome job leading the Bluestreak assembly at the Vaughan-Steffensrud. They gave a great lesson on the planet Mercury.
#aimhighbluestreaks 💙♥️
Last Spring, the cheer team was invited to perform at a Timberwolves basketball game at the Target Center in Minneapolis.
The date is Friday, November 1st, 2024 @ 7pm. The varsity cheer team will perform a pre-game dance and those who buy tickets may get the opportunity to be in the tunnel while the NBA players come out with the JV Cheer team.
We were able to secure tickets to sell at a rate of $49 for anyone who would like to attend the evening game as well.
Grab tickets fast at $49 and the game Is November 1, 2024!
Today might be the last day of Attendance Awareness Month, but it is only the first month of our school campaign. October is here, and routines are now in place. How much school was missed last month? If you said none, you're on track for a successful year! Did they miss one day? Did they miss three or more? Pay attention to your student's motivation and feelings if they have missed three or more. This month, we will share some facts and information from the attendance works website you might or might not know to be present and powerful!
Congratulations to the Golden Ticket recipients at the Chisholm Elementary this week! Zoey Rassmuson, Kailee Furman-Moffitt, Aubree Olson, Blake Beck, Ivy Palmquist, and Zetta Carlson! They were recognized for modeling Leadership and showing Bluestreak Pride. #BluestreakLeaders
This year the students at the CE are being introduced to the "7 Habits" framework which helps develop leadership skills, and promotes social and academic growth . The month of September was focused on Habit #1: Be Proactive. Students receiving a Habit Hero Certificate were recognized for being responsible, taking initiative, following directions, doing the right thing, and having positive attitudes and actions. Congratulations to the September Habit Heroes: Solomiia Khrushch, Rory Eskelson, Easton Anderson, Reid Eskelson, Ben Schultz, Madison Anderson, Francesca Lautizi, Spencer Nelson, Cora Skraba, Maggie Oberg, and Tyler Nelson !! #BluestreakLeaders
Thank you to Kids Plus for the birthday books each month! Yesterday, students at the CE with a birthday in September, were gifted with a book from Kids Plus.
Good luck today to our 3 teams running in the Hibbing cross country meet. Come cheer on our athletes starting at 4:00 at the Hibbing Municipal golf course!
Mark your calendars! You are invited to a fun, free, Comedy Show for kids! Saturday, October 5th in the Hibbing High School Auditorium.
Congrats to all of our girl runners for getting a ribbon at today's meet in Deer River! For junior high, Azalea placed 10th and Keelia placed 8th. For Varsity, Destiny placed 3rd and Olivia ran away with 1st Place! #bluestreakrunners
The second Karate Class forthis session will be held tomorrow. Registration closes on Thursday. If you forgot to register, consider this your reminder!