Help us congratulate our Class of 2022! 🎉
🎓 Nathan Wangensteen
Future plans: Attending Augsburg University to play football and study film.
Favorite high school memory: Making YouTube videos with my friends.
🎓 Rian Vajdl
Future plans: To be happy:)
Favorite high school memory: My favorite high school memory is getting the honor of being a Chisholm BlueStreak, especially during this stage of life called high school: Spending time with some of the most important people in my life, including the teachers who made high school worth it and better for some of us who dreaded going; participating in themed sports games, homecoming + the dances, inside jokes with the whole grade, the times where we’d breakout into song and sing “Country Roads, Take Me Home” or “I Want It That Way”, getting to be apart of the student section while it lasted (RIP), and getting to see all of us grow up. I also really enjoyed that I was able to get cactus as our class flower.
Best wishes, #ChisholmBluestreaks! ❤️💙

Katie Pearson and Jordan Temple participated in the 🏀 Senior All-Star Basketball game 🏀 last week.
Congratulations on a successful season, Katie and Jordan! ❤️🙌💙

Congrats to these Bluestreak Pride students from the last two weeks at the Chisholm Elementary! 👍 ❤️ 💙 🙌

Can you dig it? 😉🏐👏 The Chisholm 17's Volleyball team took 2nd place in the "Queen of the Courts" tournament last weekend in Hermantown. Great job, ladies!

Help us congratulate our Class of 2022! 🎉
🎓 Jay VanVickle
Future plans: I want to move somewhere warm and study neuroscience and psychology. I want to be a neurosurgeon one day.
Favorite high school memory: I think my favorite high school memory is the kickball game we had at the end of the 20-21 school year and getting comically sunburned. Our class won, of course.
🎓 Kayla Warner
Future plans: Getting a certificate in graphic design and then finishing my bachelors in marketing, hopefully along with travel.
Favorite high school memory: Cheering at basketball playoffs.
Best wishes, #ChisholmBluestreaks! ❤️💙

Spring Picture Day for Chisholm Elementary is Tuesday - April 7th
Order Code is: 68050K
Your link to order is: https://inter-state.com/flyerentry/68050K
ONLINE ORDERING IS LIVE NOW - but does close the night before pictures!

Congratulations to our Bluestreak Pride recipients from last week! ❤️🥳💙
Way to go, #ChisholmBluestreaks!

Thank you for stomping by! 🦖🦕🦖
Our youngest #ChisholmBluestreaks sure had fun during Dinosaur Week! These students had a blast being dinosaurs and playing with dinosaurs. They learned all about fossils and the word extinct.
They were Paleontologists! ❤️💙

Third grade outdoor enthusiasts took advantage of the freshly fallen snow to put their best foot forward on a snowshoe adventure! ❄️😁
These snowshoes were donated to the district through the Ben Owens Memorial Fund and Chisholm Community Foundation. Thank you!

🎉 🎉 Congrats to this week's big group of Bluestreak Pride winners at the Chisholm Elementary School. Way to go! 💙 ❤️

Weight room updates: We've added a new squat rack, two new benches, a hip adductor machine, and a hip abduction machine!

Help us congratulate our Class of 2022! 🎉
🎓 Mya Pessenda
Future plans: I plan on finishing my AA at HCC.
Favorite high school memory: California Band Trip!!
🎓 Zoe Kearney
Future plans: My plans are to go to HCC to pursue my generals.
Favorite high school memory: My favorite high school memory was fall homecoming 2022.
Best wishes, #ChisholmBluestreaks! ❤️💙

Chisholm's Varsity Knowledge Bowl Team 1 achieved first place in the Regional Tournament! On April 7-8, they will advance to the State Tournament in Brainerd. ❤️👏💙
Congratulations, Noah, Sean, Aiden, Cooper, and Austin (not pictured)! Best of luck!

Our first grade students are 1️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ days smarter! 🥳
As part of their 120th day of school, these #ChisholmBluestreaks celebrated by:
☑️ creating a trail mix with 120 ingredients,
☑️ grouping each food into a group of 10 and practicing counting to 120,
☑️ drawing 120 sprinkles on an ice cream cone,
☑️ practicing skip-counting to 120,
☑️ coloring numbers in a 120 chart to reveal the secret message: 120 FUN, plus
☑️ smiling and laughing well over 120 times! 😁🤗

The Ingensa Task Force Meeting will be tonight from 5-7PM at Valentini's, with school tours beforehand at the following times:
3:15 Vaughan Steffensrud
3:45 High School
4:15 Elementary School

Help us congratulate our Class of 2022! 🎉
🎓 Rachel Barney
Future plans: I will be attending the nursing program this fall to become a Registered Nurse.
Favorite high school memory: Getting in trouble for laughing too much.
🎓 Ashton Sever
Future plans: Go to HCC for some degree.
Favorite high school memory: Not sure there are too many to remember.
Best wishes, #ChisholmBluestreaks! ❤️💙

Help us congratulate our Class of 2022! 🎉
🎓 Torri Castagneri
Future plans: My plans after high school are to go to University of Minnesota-Crookston and complete a major in Pre-Vet and minor in Agricultural Business; once I complete this I plan to continue my education and get a doctor's degree in veterinary medicine.
Favorite high school memory: My favorite high school memory was playing softball with the baseball team and softball team.
🎓 Taylor Vajdl
Future plans: I plan to graduate and continue working at Delta Airlines.
Favorite high school memory: Bathroom breaks with Jordan during many hours throughout the day.
Best wishes, #ChisholmBluestreaks! ❤️💙

Congratulations to our Vaughan Steffensrud Bluestreak Pride recipients from last week! 👏🤩🎉
Job well done, #ChisholmBluestreaks! 💙 ❤️

Congratulations to our CHS #StudentoftheWeek recipient, nominated by teachers! Help us celebrate Mason! ❤️ 💙
Mason Yaroscak – Nominated by Mr. Jugovich
“Mason is a joy to have in class. He always comes in with a smile and is eager to learn. His grades and contributions to questions in class reflect how well he is doing in my class. The only thing he needs to work on is the shoes he wears, since they aren't fire like mine.” 🔥 🔥

Congratulations to our CHS #StaffoftheWeek recipient! Help us celebrate Mrs. Johnson. 🙌 🙌
Mrs. Johnson – Nominated by Angeleena Varda
“Mrs. Johnson is always there for her kids regardless of what the situation is. She’s guided me through some of the hardest things in my life and I’m so thankful for that. She’s such an amazing para and I’m so happy to be able to nominate her.” 💙 ❤️